Nedslagskratrar i Sverige och världen
Arrangör: Naturhistoriska riksmuseet
Det finns 200 kända nedslagskratrar på jorden. Åtminstone åtta av dem finns i Sverige. Under den här föreläsningen berättar en forskare mer om de svenska kratrarna och visar bilder från en expedition till Grönland, där man hittar de äldsta delarna av jordskorpan.
Impact cratering – the collision of asteroids or comets with planetary bodies such as Earth, the Moon, and Mars – has played a fundamental role in the evolution of the Solar System. Deformation and destruction of the Earth’s crust as a result of active plate tectonics and erosion means that there are only approximately 200 known impact craters on our home planet (eight of which are in Sweden). However, the relatively inactive surface of the Moon preserves over 1.3 million craters that are larger than 1 km across, paying testament to the prevalence of cratering.
Here, a specialist in impact cratering at the Swedish Museum of Natural History will explore various aspects of impacts, from their role in the early evolution and habitability of the inner Solar System, to their part in one of the largest mass extinctions in Earth’s history and the continued threat of possible impacts to society today.
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Datum: -
Målgrupp: Lärare och lärarstudenter i 7-9 och gymnasiet
Plats: Online via Zoom
Sista anmälningsdag: 2022-11-09
Kostnad: Kostnadsfritt
Kontaktperson: Pedagogerna på Naturhistoriska riksmuseet